Alert: Due to COVID-19 the US Postal service is experiencing significant delays with mail delivery within the United States and Internationally, with some countries not accepting mail for certain periods of time. To help ensure your official transcript is delivered in a timely manner, please request your official transcript to be sent electronically when possible.
The official transcript sent via mail delivery option may look slightly different from one that is printed directly at our office. The document is still official and authentic because it is printed on a special transcript paper with the following security features:
- Copy- and scan-evident "VOID" and "VOIDSECURE" pantograph on the face of the transcript
- Coin activated security ink applied to the back of the transcript masks a "VOIDSECURE" logo
- Toner adhesion and chemical reactivity when exposed to any counterfeiting efforts using bleach, acid, etc.
If you encounter any issues with this new process, please contact our office immediately at [email protected] or 434-924-4122.
If you need your transcript expedited, please place your transcript request via the National Student Clearinghouse and attach your pre-paid label (FedEx or UPS) to the order. Immediately notify our office that you placed an expedited transcript order and provide the order number. Thank you.
Request Your Transcript
The transcript is a record of all academic work attempted at the University. Individual courses or semesters cannot be printed separately from the complete record of undergraduate or graduate work.
Please note: Transcript requests cannot be held for pending grades and/or degree conferral information. Log in to the SIS Portal with your NetBadge access to verify your academic information on the unofficial transcript prior to ordering the official transcript.
- View your current grades
- Confirm grade changes
- Confirm your degree conferral status
The National Student Clearinghouse (NSC) is the official provider of transcripts for the University of Virginia. Transcripts may be requested 24/7. Requests submitted on the weekends or while the University is closed will be processed in the order received when the University re-opens.
- Electronic transcripts: Available for current and former students enrolled after 1985. Transcript may be sent to any valid email address. (Online requests only)
- AMCAS/LSAC electronic transcripts: Available for current and former students enrolled after 1985. Transcript will be delivered to the following recipient via Electronic Exchange:
- American Medical College Application Service,
- Law School Admission Council (Online requests only)
- Paper transcripts: Once received, transcript will be processed/mailed within 2 business days (may be longer at peak periods such as end of semester, commencement, and late registration). All paper transcripts will be mailed by regular U.S Mail. The University cannot control the delivery time of the U.S. Mail or the International Mail service.)
For fast, convenient service, request your official transcript ONLINE in electronic pdf format!
Forget or don't know your NetBadge? Please go to ITS' NetBadge page to retrieve this information.
-- Due to system constraints, electronic transcripts are not available for students who attended the University prior to 1985.
To fully access the Clearinghouse’s online services, you will need one of the following browsers (beta versions of browsers are not supported):
PDF Documents
PDF documents require Adobe Acrobat Reader 2017 or higher. The free Adobe Acrobat Reader can be downloaded from the Adobe Web site.
By Mail
- Send in a written request with the following information:
- Current name and full name while in attendance
- Student ID Number or Last 4 digits of your Social Security Number
- Date of graduation or last date of attendance
- Date of Birth
- Complete mailing address(es) where the transcript(s) are to be sent.
- Phone number and email address where you can be reached
- Student's signature -- unsigned request will NOT be processed!
Mailing Address
UREG (Office of the University Registrar)
P.O. Box 400203
Charlottesville, VA 22904-4203
Office Location
Carruthers Hall, South Entrance
1001 N Emmet St
Charlottesville, VA 22903-4833
You may obtain a copy of your transcript in-person by placing an online order and selecting ‘Hold for Pickup’. Your transcript will be ready for pick up at the University Registrar's office during the time of your appointment. Please schedule an appointment and include your order number to pick up your transcript in Carruthers Hall. You must bring a photo ID to obtain the transcript.
Electronic Transcript
Transcript Authenticity
The official transcript displays a blue ribbon on the notification bar across the top of the Adobe Reader. Older versions of the Adobe reader may display the blue ribbon as a pop-up screen and in the lower-left corner of the frame of the application.
The blue ribbon symbol is your assurance that the digital signature is valid, authentic, and the contents of the document have not been altered.
A printed copy of an electronic transcript is not official and will not be validated!