Edited by Mark Hadley of Arts & Sciences, and UREG
The purpose of this Handbook is to familiarize College Department representatives such as chairs, directors of undergraduate programs (DUPs), and staff members with the forms and processes for course management in the Student Information System (SIS).
Questions about College policies or the Committee on Educational Policy and the Curriculum (CEPC) should go to Assistant Dean Mark Hadley; questions about SIS or UREG (Office of the University Registrar) should go to Danielle Thorpe, Assistant Registrar for Course Operations in UREG; questions about its contents or suggestions for increasing the document’s clarity and utility should be directed to any of the following:
- Courtney Brown, Associate University Registrar for Course Operations, [email protected]
- Kelly Robeson, Course Scheduling Specialist, UREG, [email protected]
- Shawn Harris, Course Scheduling Specialist, UREG, [email protected]
- Mark Hadley, College of Arts and Sciences, Administrative Chair, CEPC, [email protected]
- Judy Updike, College Registrar, [email protected]
- Tracy Mourton, Graduate School of Arts and Sciences, Registrar, [email protected]
Courses originate in a department or program. When approved at this level, the Director of Undergraduate Programs or the Chair’s designated assistant sends the request for approval by submitting a course proposal in Curriculog to Mark Hadley, Administrative Chair of CEPC, who manages the workflow for the CEPC. After review by the CEPC and approval by the Faculty of Arts and Sciences, the Administrative Chair of CEPC approves the course proposal and forwards it to UREG. UREG then updates the Course Catalog in SIS and informs the submitter of the course proposal when the course has been created or updated in the SIS Course Catalog.
A request for approval of a new course consists of two items:
- A course proposal submitted via Curriculog (https://virginia.curriculog.com)
- A syllabus that contains a description, course requirements, and a weekly schedule of assigned work and activities.
The request to change a course’s characteristics (title, credit hours*, description, grading basis, etc.) is made by submitting a course update proposal via Curriculog, which is sent to Mark Hadley for review by the CEPC. The meeting dates and actions by the CEPC are posted regularly on its website: http://as.virginia.edu/committee-educational-policy-and-curriculum-cepc
* The credit hours associated with a course must follow the guidelines provided in the Provost’s policy on Determination and Assignation of Academic Credit.
Instructions for the use of Curriculog are found in the appendix. Curriculog can be found via the following link: https://virginia.curriculog.com
New programs (majors, minors, Distinguished Majors) or changes in programs follow a different route. These proposals originate in department curriculum committees and are sent by email to the College’s Registrar for the CEPC review. Department representatives are invited to present their proposals at a meeting of the CEPC.
Requests are made electronically to the College Registrar and contain the following:
- The letter from the Chair or program director explaining and describing the rationale for the change(s).
- A revised of the relevant current RECORD entry tracking the changes from the old to the new requirements.
- Catalog-ready copy of the revision, plus any additional supporting materials for Committee consideration.
Departments are invited to consult with the Associate Dean for Academic Programs and the Administrative Chair of the Committee prior to the submission of their proposals. They are also invited to attend the meetings of the Committee at which the proposal will be discussed. The administrative chair, acting for the Committee, may approve stylistic and other minor changes to the descriptions of programs published in the Record.
Office of the University Registrar (UREG) The purpose of the University Registrar is to ensure the accuracy, integrity, and security of the academic records of the University. The office provides academic record services to students, faculty, staff, alumni, and other constituents in support of the purpose and goals of the University, through proactive outreach and communication. https://registrar.virginia.edu/
Committee on Educational Policy and the Curriculum (CEPC) The CEPC meets two to three times each semester to approve proposals for new courses, programs, degree requirements, and general academic policy in the College. It reviews all undergraduate courses, i.e., < 5000. Courses intended exclusively for graduate students are reviewed by the Graduate School of Arts and Sciences (GSAS) and not by the CEPC. The CEPC meeting dates and deadlines for submission, along with other information about the CEPC and its archived actions, can be found at its website: http://as.virginia.edu/committee-educational-policy-and-curriculum-cepc
The Record The official and public compendium of University and College policies, courses, degree, and program information. It no longer exists in hard copy and appears only online. It is published by UREG, with Schools and Departments having the opportunity to revise pertinent content yearly. http://records.ureg.virginia.edu/
Student Information System (SIS) SIS is the University’s centralized academic and administrative information system. Used by faculty to monitor course enrollments, advise, and grade, SIS is utilized by students to view their own academic records, register for courses, and maintain biographical data. http://www.sis.virginia.edu/
Course Catalog The database that contains all the courses that the CEPC and Faculty of Arts and Sciences have approved. A course may be offered only if it is entered in the Course Catalog. Courses may be offered for one time without CEPC or Faculty approval as a One/First Time Offering (X559); to be taught a second time the department must create a topics course (X5XX) or a permanent course. To create a new, permanent course, the department must submit a new course proposal via Curriculog and include the syllabus for review by the CEPC.
Curriculog Curriculog automates the process of curriculum approval and improves communication across departments and schools. UVA implemented course approval workflows for each school using school specific guidelines and requirements. These workflows take the place of the course creation forms (CCI, CCT, CCO, and CCF forms).
Arts & Sciences UGRAD New Course proposal Completion and submission of this proposal to the Administrative Chair of CEPC by the Department Chair or Director of Undergraduate Programs (DUP) is required to create a formal course offering in the SIS Course Catalog. For information on how to complete this proposal, please see the appendices for instructions. Courses numbered >4999 and intended only for advanced graduate students are submitted to GSAS.
Arts & Sciences UGRAD Course Update proposal Completion and submission of this proposal to the Administrative Chair of CEPC by the Department Chair or Director of Undergraduate Programs (DUP) is required to create a formal course offering in the SIS Course Catalog. Departments use this form to request changes in a course such as title, credit hours, and description. For information on how to complete this proposal, please see the appendices for instructions. Courses numbered >4999 and intended only for advanced graduate students are submitted to GSAS.
Arts & Sciences UGRAD Topics Course/One-time Offering proposal Completion and submission of this proposal to the Administrative Chair of CEPC by the Department chair or DUP is required to create a topical course (X5XX) or One-Time Offerings (X559) of an existing course. For information on how to complete this proposal, please see the appendices for instructions.
Topics Course/One Time Offering A “topics course” or “one time offering” has two functions. First, it allows a department to offer a variety of sections with a similar theme. It can be used when the focus of a course varies from semester to semester. For example, a department might offer the following as a Topics Course:
HIUS 4591 Topics in United States History
Topic: Digital History
In this case, the official course title is “Topics in United States History.” It would be included in the Course Catalog and would be published in The Record with a brief description. The topic, “Digital History,” would appear on the student’s transcript, as shown in the example above, and be listed in the Class Search, but would not appear in The Record.
- The course can be thought of as a parent, with children attached. The name of the parent course does not change, but the topic(s) may vary.
- Students enroll in the course by topical section. One course can contain multiple topics, each topic can be taught by the same or multiple instructors, and students may take as many different sections/topics as they wish.
- The course number for a topics course may be offered at any level, but must contain a “5” in the hundreds place, e.g. X5XX.
Sections within topics courses must ALL meet an area requirement or none. SIS cannot program individual sections to meet (or not meet) area requirements.
The second function is to allow for departments to offer One/First Time Offerings (X559), previously called “New Course", prior to gaining full CEPC approval and formal course listing in the SIS Catalog and The Record.
One/first time offerings are not to be repeated. If a department desires to repeat the new course, it should be proposed as a new, independent course; upon approval (see below) it will be entered into the course catalog with its own unique number and characteristics.
These courses can be offered one term without CEPC approval, on an experimental basis. They use the “Topics Course” functionality of SIS. For more information about Topics Courses, please see the preceding entry for Topics Courses.
These courses have been set up in the course catalog for each current subject area and level offerings in the College and Graduate School of Arts & Sciences. The numbers that have been assigned are: 1559, 2559, 3559, 4559, 5559, 6559, 7559, 8559, and/or 9559. For more information about offering a “One/First Time Offering” please see the procedure section below.
Subject Area Three- or four-letter abbreviation that denotes the specific area of instruction under which courses are offered. The subject represents the discipline or sub-discipline in which a course is offered.
Schedule of Classes* (SoC) maintained by UREG, the SoC creates the system by which students select their classes on a semester-by-semester basis. UREG sets regular deadlines by which Departments are expected to submit their class offerings. Only after a course exists in the Course Catalog may a course be listed in the Schedule of Classes. Access to the Schedule of Classes is by way of the Class Search function on the home page of SIS: http://www.sis.virginia.edu/
*The Summer and J-Term SoC is maintained by the Office of Summer and Special Academic Programs. https://summer.virginia.edu/ and https://januaryterm.virginia.edu/
Course A defined set of instructions within a subject area that is approved by the originating academic department and the School for offering.
Class A section of a course scheduled in a given term.
Cross listing SIS does not recognize courses as being cross listed. Instead, it identifies "equivalent courses" and "combined sections."
- Equivalent courses are two courses with the same title, description, and content. In most cases they will have the same course number, but this is not required. SIS sees these courses as the same. In terms of tracking them on a student’s Academic Requirements (AR) Report and on a transcript, a student who has taken, for instance HIUS 3621 may not also take WGS 3621 and receive credit both times (plus a number of other scenarios). Both courses must be submitted to CEPC to make them equivalent in the Course Catalog.
- A combined section would be defined as any two classes sharing the same space, meeting pattern, and instructor. These courses are NOT set up as equivalent and do not need the same numbers. They should have the same credit value and the same grading basis. An example of a combined section would be when an instructor considers it fitting to present (some of) the same material in a course at the same time to undergraduate and graduate students. These courses are called dual level courses.
- Dual level courses are not considered to be equivalent, since a graduate level course could never be equivalent to an undergraduate level course, but they may meet at the same time and be taught by a single professor. Instead, they would be viewed as combined sections of individual courses with distinct names, descriptions, and requirements.
For various reasons, it may be desirable to present some of the same material in a course, often at the same time, to undergraduate and graduate students. Examples include 4XXX/7XXX and occasionally 3XXX/7XXX combinations. Dual level courses numbered with a 5XXX level are not encouraged because undergraduates may take 5000 level courses by right unless specifically restricted.
For such dual level offerings specific differences in course requirements for each level are expected. To provide clarity in advising, two different course proposals should be developed indicating the different expectations for each course in the description and/or the syllabus of the course. The undergraduate and graduate numbers should have the same last three digits in the course number. The title of the advanced level should have some indication of the expectations such as "advanced", "with proofs" or "with applications".
These courses are not considered cross listed, since by definition, a cross listed course is one that is equivalent to another. Since a graduate level course would never be equivalent to an undergraduate level course, this situation would not apply. However, the courses may meet at the same time and be taught by a single professor, in a “combined section.” If this is the case, the combination of the two should be noted for scheduling of classrooms prior to the production of the Schedule of Classes.
UREG expects formal, “cross listed” courses to meet the above definition of equivalent. For “One/First Time Offerings (X559)”, UREG would foresee those being offered as combined sections
The College does not re-write transcripts to make possible the completion of area requirements by changing the subject area. Example: If a student needs a course for completion of a social science requirement, the student MUST enroll in the course with the appropriate subject area and not with the subject area of the equivalent course (listing in the School of Education, for example).
Crosswalk The Course Renumbering Crosswalk A-Z created by UREG to identify courses that have been converted from 3 digit to 4 digit catalog numbers, at Department request and with CEPC approval, to the Course Catalog. The “crosswalk” is now only of historic interest; it is no longer maintained or employed.
Course Curriculum Tags Also called Course Attributes. These consists of the General Education Curriculum Requirements of the College. Courses can fulfill one or more Requirement Designations, which are part of the General Education Requirements prior to 2017. Courses can also fulfill one or more Literacies and/or Disciplines, which are part of the New College Curriculum.
Determines the options for evaluating a student’s performance in a given course.
- ABC/NC: used exclusively in CLAS for ENWR courses where a student may receive a grade of (+/-) A, B, C or NC.
- Multi Term Course/Not Graded: this option is used for classes where students do not receive a grade until they have completed all required semesters. A grade of Y is recorded for any term in which there is no grade until all terms are complete.
- Graded: all students enrolled under this grading basis will receive a letter grade only. Students will not be able to receive credit/no credit or S/U.
- No Grade Associated: a student would receive no grade or credit for a course with this grading basis. This course typically has an NC in the subject area.
- Student Option: previously known as O, courses with this grading basis can be taken as Credit/No Credit or for a letter grade.
- Credit/No Credit: students enrolled with this grading basis receive a grade of CR or NC.
- Honors/Pass/Fail: used for School of Law courses only.
- Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory: a student will not earn a letter grade for this course. This grading basis is typically used by Graduate Engineering, GSAS, and Graduate Education. All non-topical research courses are Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory.
- Pass/No Pass: used for School of Medicine courses only.
LEC Lecture
A lecture course consists of classes that meet regularly for a specified number of hours; instruction is delivered in a lecture setting. May include class participation or interactive activities.
DIS Discussion
A regular meeting time associated with a lecture and may be overseen by graduate students or teaching assistants.
SEM Seminar
Brings together a relatively small group of students (<30) that meet regularly to discuss topics of interest under the direction of the instructor.
LAB Laboratory
Instructing, preparing and supervising student investigations; designed to enhance student concept attainment, problem solving and critical thinking.
STO Studio
A studio class has very few lectures. The instructor guides the students on projects and provides resources as necessary. Class activities build on each other and provide an integrated learning environment.
IND Independent Study
A self-directed approach to the acquisition of knowledge and/or competence in which a student plans and carries out learning activities on his/her own, under the guidance of an instructor.
PRA Practicum
A course, often in a specialized field of study, that is designed to give students supervised practical application of a previously or concurrently studied theory, knowledge or skill.
WKS Workshop
Similar to a laboratory; class in which a small group of students learn the methods and skills used in doing something. Manual or specialized work may be conducted.
CLN Clinical
Students perform clinical work under the supervision of an instructor.
DRL Drill
A drill class consists of repetition exercises or activities.
SPS Special Session
A special, required class session (e.g., midterm, field trip, etc.) associated with a lecture, seminar, or other course component and that meets outside the course’s regular meeting schedule.
The initial digit of the course number corresponds to the level, which parallels the three-digit numbering system (e.g., 100-level courses become 1000-level courses). Course numbers below 5000 are undergraduate level, while those numbered 5000-9999 are graduate and/or professional level:
- 100-999: Non-credit, non-degree: courses, offered primarily by Continuing and Professional Studies, that do not apply to a degree program.
- 1000-1999: Lower-level introductory undergraduate courses. Generally, there are no prerequisites.
- 2000-2999: Lower-level intermediate undergraduate courses. May have prerequisites.
- 3000-3999: Upper-level intermediate undergraduate courses. Likely have prerequisites or require instructor permission.
- 4000-4999: Upper-level advanced undergraduate courses. Usually have prerequisites or require instructor permission.
- 5000-5999: Introductory-level graduate courses.
- 6000-7999: Intermediate-level graduate and professional courses.
- 8000-9999: Advanced-level graduate and professional courses.
Designated Numbers
Courses that include a 500-level (X5XX) are reserved for topics courses (e.g., 1500, 2595, 3542, 4508, 5520, etc.). A topics course allows a department to offer a variety of subjects under an umbrella course with a similar theme.
Courses that end in -559 (e.g., 1559, 2559, 3559, 4559, 5559, etc.) are reserved for one-time offerings. One-time offerings cannot be repeated. If a department desires to repeat a one-time offering, it should be proposed as a new, stand-alone course or a topics course.
A course proposal is required to create a topics course (X5XX), one-time offering (X559), umbrella course, and standalone course. Courses must go through the formal curriculum review and approval processes established by each school before being added to the SIS Course Catalog.
The numbers _990-_999 in each thousand series (e.g., 2990, 4993, 8998) are designated for special usage:
- _990 Honors courses
- _991 Capstone courses
- _992 not used; reserved for future use
- _993 Independent Study courses
- _994 not used; reserved for future use
- _995 Research courses
- _996 not used; reserved for future use
- _997 not used; reserved for future use
- _998 not used, except for 4998, 8998, and 9998 (8998 and 9998 are research-rate courses for the graduate programs)
- 4998 Undergraduate Thesis
- 8998 Thesis Research (before advisor selected)
- 9998 Dissertation Research (before advisor selected)
- _999 not used, except for 4999, 8999, and 9999 (8999 and 9999 are research-rate courses for the graduate programs):
- 4999 Undergraduate Thesis
- 8999 Thesis Research (after advisor selected)
- 9999 Dissertation Research (after advisor selected)
- Complete the Arts & Sciences UGRAD New Course proposal (see appendix for instructions) for the “parent” course. Courses offered at level of 4999 or below must be approved by the CEPC prior to entering the course catalog. Courses offered at the 5000 level or above, must be approved by the Graduate School of Arts and Sciences. Send all requests for courses >4999 via Curriculog to Tracy Mourton for review. Requests for courses with undergraduate enrollment are sent via Curriculog for review by the CEPC Administrative Chair, Mark Hadley.
- Add topics by submitting an Arts & Sciences UGRAD Topics Course/One-time Offering proposal (see appendix for instructions) for each. Once approved at the Dean’s Office, the proposal is forwarded to UREG. Once the topic has been entered into the course catalog, it will be available to be scheduled. Additional topics are added by the submission of an Arts & Sciences UGRAD Topics Course/One-time Offering proposal for each.
- The final step of this process involves scheduling the class in the Schedule of Classes. To schedule a class for a given term, the department must request of the University Registrar that the course be offered. These submissions are made in writing, including subject area, catalog number, credit hours, meeting pattern, enrollment capacity, and instructor, and submitted on a Class Galley or to [email protected].
To offer a One/First Time Offering, the class title, or topic, must be added to the Course Catalog, prior to scheduling. To facilitate this, submit an Arts & Sciences UGRAD Topics Course/One-time Offering proposal (1559, 2559, 3559, 4559) or Arts & Sciences GRAD Topics Course/One-time Offering (5559 and above) via Curriculog (see appendix). These proposals will be periodically reviewed by the Dean’s Office and the GSAS Registrar respectively and then forwarded to UREG for processing.
Please note: though the class description of a topic course or a One/First Time Offering is required for review, it will not be published in either the Course Catalog or the Schedule of Classes. Such listing only happens once CEPC approval is granted. Classes may be offered one time in this fashion. For a One/First Time Offering to be repeated it must be submitted for review, using the Arts & Sciences UGRAD New Course proposal to the CEPC as a formal course offering.
The College has revised its procedure for the approval of new courses, to comply with efforts by SCHEV and the Provost’s Office to begin collecting information about new courses in the College curriculum. With the additional information, the College will be able to address the core competencies in its courses, as outlined in the University’s plan with SCHEV:
- Critical Thinking 2010-2011
- Undergraduate Research 2011-2012
- Scientific Reasoning 2012-2013
- Quantitative Reasoning 2013-2014
- Written Communication 2014-2015
- Oral Communication 2015-2016
At the request from the Office of International Studies and with the encouragement of the Provost’s Office, a 7th element addressing international content and intercultural sensitivity is being included for all the courses offered abroad, starting in 2011-2012.
In the College Education Requirements section on the Arts & Sciences UGRAD New Course proposal, departments are encouraged to identify the learning outcomes of proposed new courses for two to three core competencies.
Departments are further encouraged to identify essential and specific insights, addressed in the new course, which identify content of an international or cross-cultural content. For example, a Foreign Affairs course on the Cold War might identify the specifically Russian perspectives, quite different from the American, on the diplomatic endeavors of Josef Stalin at the Potsdam Conference of 1945. A course on literature of the Mediterranean might indicate here that authors on the syllabus from Croatia, Greece, Egypt and Morocco, present opinions and describe daily and philosophical issues through their unique cultural and geographical lenses. A course in Psychology on adolescent behavior, involving data or theories comparing different overseas societies, could identify these international perspectives that help meet the course’s objectives.
When scheduling classes please remember:
- Monday, Wednesday Friday time blocks are 50 minutes, starting on the hour
(i.e. 09:00-09:50, 10:00-10:50, etc.).
- Tuesday, Thursday time bocks are 75 minutes with starting times alternating between the hour and half-hour (i.e. 9:30-10:45, 11:00-12:15, etc.).
Blockbusting on MWF would be anything more than 50 minutes in length or scheduled outside the standard meeting periods. Blockbusting is only allowed after 2:00 p.m.
Blockbusting on TR would be anything more than 75 minutes or scheduled outside the standard meeting periods. Blockbusting is only allowed after 2:00 p.m.
If your department offers 2.5 hour seminars, we recommend that you offer them 3:30-6:00 pm, 6:00-8:30 pm, or 6:30-9:00 pm. It is also recommended that your department schedule 2.5 hour seminars such that they mirror one another. For example, if a Tuesday 3:30-6:00 seminar is scheduled, another seminar should be scheduled at the same time on Thursday.
Your department may also schedule classes for 75 minutes on Monday, Wednesday, and/or Friday beginning at 2:00 or later. These meetings should follow the typical time blocks for Tuesday and Thursday (i.e. 2:00-3:15, 3:30-4:00, etc.).
Schedule of Classes Galleys
The following provides an explanation of each of the fields on the printed and electronic version of the Schedule of Classes Galley Report.
Term A division of time that includes Fall, January, Spring, and Summer. Digit one of the Term code represents the second digit of the century. Thus, the first digit of 1 represents the 21st century. Digit two and three of the Term code represent the last two digits of the calendar year. Thus, the digits of 11 would represent 2011. Digit four represents the semester/session, with 1=January, 2=Spring, 6=Summer, and 8=Fall. Together, 1112 represents Spring 2011.
Academic Group (Acad Grp) Represents the eleven schools, plus the Office of the Provost, under which departments are organized.
Academic Organization (Acad Org) Represents an academic department, under which subjects are organized.
Subject Area It represents the discipline or sub-discipline in which a course is offered.
Catalog Number (Nbr) Commonly referred to as the course number, this number represents the level of the course.
Course ID A value assigned in the SIS Course Catalog that is unique to each particular course.
Associated Class Number (Assoc Class Nbr) This number is used to link class sections that constitute a single course offering. For example, you can number a lecture and discussion section with one Associated Class Number to indicate that the two components are related to one another.
Title Is the title of the course which is set in the Course Catalog.
Topic Is a more specific topic that will appear in addition to the title for courses numbered in the X500-X599 range of each thousand series (1500-1599, 2500-2599, etc.). These must be submitted through the appropriate Course Catalog Designee in each school to UREG for entry in the Course Catalog before they may be scheduled. To submit a topics course please do so via Curriculog. As an example, a topics course may appear as follows in Class Search or on a student’s transcript:
ANTH 2559: New Course in Anthropology
Topic: Archaeology and Gender
Section Number (Sect Nbr) Also referred to as Class Section, this number is a unique number for a class section of a course. For example, a course with 20 scheduled sections would each have a unique section number.
Class Number (Class Nbr) This is a five-digit unique identifier for each section in a term. However, it is assigned incrementally by the system each time a section is added for a term.
Combined Section These are any two classes sharing the same space, meeting pattern, and instructor.
Component (Cmp) Values include Lecture, Lab, Discussion, Seminar, etc. and are set in the Course Catalog for each course.
Instruction Mode Terms and Definitions
In-Person - 100% of instruction delivered in traditional classroom setting
> 50% Internet - Combination of instruction delivered with 50% - 99% internet.
< 50% Internet - Combination of instruction delivered with < 50% via internet.
Televised - 100% asynchronous delivery of instruction
Web-based - 100% of instruction delivered via Internet
Research Rate - 100% instruction is research-related
Minimum and Maximum Units (Min/Max Units) Represents the number of credits associated with the course. This is set in the Course Catalog and may appear as a fixed value or a range.
Enrollment Capacity (Enrl Cap) Represents the number of students allowed to enroll for the class.
Requested Room Capacity (Req Rm Cap) Represents the number of physical seats that are believed to be needed to accommodate the anticipated final enrollment for the class. This number should be equal to or greater than the Enrollment Capacity. This number is used for assigning space through Schedule 25.
Previous Section Enrollment (Prev Sect Enrl) Represents the number of students enrolled in this section for the three most recent like terms. This data is not currently available.
Previous Total Enrollment (Prev Tot Enrl) Represents the number of students enrolled for all sections of this course for the three most recent like terms.
Waitlist This Yes or No (Y or N) flag indicates whether the waitlist functionality has been enabled for this class. This waitlist functions such that once a class has reached its enrollment capacity, subsequent students attempting to enroll for the class will be given the option to be added to the waitlist. Then, if space becomes available in the class, either by increasing the enrollment capacity or because one or more students drop the class, then students on the waitlist will be added into the class automatically in the order in which they added to the waitlist (first come, first served). Waitlist cannot be used in conjunction with Permission.
Permission Represents whether permission is required for enrollment. Valid values include instructor, department, and none. The instructor value indicates that a SIS permission list will be created. The department value indicates that a permission list will not be created and an administrative person in the department will grant permission to enroll. Students desiring permission will need to be identified in some independent manner. The none value indicates that no permission is required for enrollment. Permission cannot be used in conjunction with Waitlist.
Grading Basis Represents the valid grades that may be assigned to the class. Since only one component of a course is designated as the Graded Component, this field will be blank for components of a course that are not the Graded Component. The default grading basis for each course is set in the Course Catalog. Relevant valid values include: Student Option, Graded, ABC/No Credit, Credit/No Credit, Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory, Pass/No Pass, Multi-term Sequence, and No Grade.
Days Represents the days of the week the class is offered within a Meeting Pattern. (A Meeting Pattern is a unique combination of days of the week and time for a class.)
Time Represents the time associated with a Meeting Pattern.
Building (Bldg) and Room Is the space assigned to a Meeting Pattern.
Class Notes Any information pertaining to the course that the department wants to provide.
Room Characteristics Equipment and/or furniture that is needed.
Instructor Name (Instr Name) Is the name of the instructor(s) assigned to a Meeting Pattern.
Instructor Role (Instr. Role) Is the designated role of the instructor for a meeting pattern. Valid values include: Primary Instructor, Secondary Instructor, and TA.
Instructor Access (Instr. Access) Is the role that an instructor is assigned for grading purposes. Valid values are: Blank, Approve, or Grade. If the field is blank, then the instructor has no role in grading. If the value is Approve, then the instructor can enter grades and change the status of the grades to Approved. (The status of the grades must be changed to Approved before they can be posted to a student’s record.) If the value is Grade, then the instructor may enter the grades, but someone with Approve status for that section must change the status to approved before they can be posted to a student’s record.
Instructor Print This Yes or No (Y or N) flag indicates whether the name of the instructor on that row will appear when individuals look at the class through Class Search.
Requirement Group Represents those criteria that are required in order to enroll for the course.