ALD | Alderman Library |
AQC | Aquatic and Fitness Center |
AST | Astronomy Building |
BGC | Birdwood Golf Course |
BOND | Bond House |
BMU# | Bayly Building (staff assistance required to use freight elevator) |
BRK# | Brooks Hall (first floor and basement only) |
BRN | Bryan Hall |
BRO | Brown College Library |
BRY | Bryant Hall |
CAB | New Cabell Hall |
CAM | Campbell Hall |
CAU | Cauthen House |
CDW | Clinical Department Wing |
CHE | Chemical Engineering Building |
CMN | Claude Moore Nursing |
COB | Cobb Hall |
COC | Cocke Hall |
CHM# | Chemistry Building (key needed for elevator) |
CLK | Clark Hall |
CLM | Clemons Library |
DL1 | Dell 1 |
DL2 | Dell 2 |
DR1* | Dawson's Row Residence 1 |
DRM# | Drama Education Building (key needed for elevator) |
DVS | Hospital West, Davis Wing |
FHL | Fayerweather Hall |
FRN* | French House |
GIB | Gibson Hall |
GIL# | Gilmer Hall (key needed for elevator) |
GSB | Darden School |
HAL# | Halsey Hall (entering from the Clark Hall side there are no limitations) |
HOD* | Hotel D, East Range |
HOM | Home of the Instructor |
HSBB | Hunter Smith Band Building |
ICE | Charlottesville Ice Park |
ISO | International Study program outside the U.S. |
JAG | Judge Advocate General School |
JOR# | Jordan Hall (accessible entrances locked at night) (renamed to PIN Pinn Hall) |
JSR | Jesser Hall |
KER# | Kerchof Hall (first floor only) |
LACY | Lacy Hall |
LEV# | Levering Hall (first floor only) |
LHO | Lambeth House |
LPJ# | Luther P. Jackson House (first floor only) |
LWO | Lower West Oval Room, Rotunda |
MCL | McLeod Hall |
MEC | Mechanical Engineering Building |
MED | Old Medical School |
MGM# | Memorial Gymnasium (first floor and basement only; assistance needed at locked entrances; no access across the track on the second floor) |
MHP | Multistory Building (Old Hospital) |
MH3 | Monroe Hill Range |
MIN | Minor Hall |
MON | Monroe Hall |
MRY | Maury Hall (no ADA access to the basement; access to first and second floors through separate doors) (renamed to WNR Warner Hall) |
MSB | Materials Science Building |
MUN | Mary Munford House |
NAU | Nau Hall |
NHL | Newcomb Hall |
NRN | No Room Needed |
NVA | UVA/VT Center in Falls Church |
OBS* | McCormick Observatory |
OCH | Old Cabell Hall |
OLS | Olsson Hall |
PBY | Peabody Hall |
PHS# | Physics Building (assistance may be needed for freight elevator) |
PIN | Pinn Hall (accessible entrances locked at night) (previously known as JOR Jordan Hall) |
PV5 | Pavilion V (no ADA access) |
PV8* | Pavilion VIII (no ADA access) |
RAN# | Randall Hall (first floor only) |
RAO# | National Radio Astronomy Observatory (first floor only) |
RBT | Robertson Hall |
RDL | Ridley Hall (previously known as RFN Ruffner) |
REA* | Nuclear Reactor |
REC | Slaughter Recreation Center |
RICE | Rice Hall |
RSH | Rouss Hall |
RTN | Rotunda |
RUF | Ruffin Hall |
SHH | Shea House |
SHN | Shannon House |
SHW | Student Health and Wellness |
SLH | Slaughter Hall |
STB | Barracks Stables |
STC | Stacey Hall |
THN# | Thornton Hall (D Wing, O Level not accessible) |
WIL | Wilson Hall |
WIN | Wintergreen Resort |
WNR | Warner Hall (no ADA access to the basement; access to first and second floors through separate doors) (previously known as MRY Maury Hall) |
WSB | Withers-Brown Hall |
ZMA | Zehmer Hall Annex |
ZMR | Zehmer Hall |