Buildings at the University are fully accessible except as noted below. Buildings marked # are accessible to students using wheelchairs to the extent noted parenthetically; classes scheduled elsewhere in the building are not accessible. Buildings marked * are inaccessible to students using wheelchairs; classes scheduled in these buildings will be reassigned based on individual need. Students needing accommodation should contact the Student Disability Access Center (434-243-5180). Buildings are illustrated on the University web map and alphabetical locator.

A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z

Building CodeBuilding Description
ALDAlderman Library
AQCAquatic and Fitness Center
ASTAstronomy Building
BGCBirdwood Golf Course
BONDBond House
BMU#Bayly Building (staff assistance required to use freight elevator)
BRK#Brooks Hall (first floor and basement only)
BRNBryan Hall
BROBrown College Library
BRYBryant Hall
CABNew Cabell Hall
CAMCampbell Hall
CAUCauthen House
CDWClinical Department Wing
CHEChemical Engineering Building
CMNClaude Moore Nursing
COBCobb Hall
COCCocke Hall
CHM#Chemistry Building (key needed for elevator)
CLKClark Hall
CLMClemons Library
DL1Dell 1
DL2Dell 2
DR1*Dawson's Row Residence 1
DRM#Drama Education Building (key needed for elevator)
DVSHospital West, Davis Wing
FHLFayerweather Hall
FRN*French House
GIBGibson Hall
GIL#Gilmer Hall (key needed for elevator)
GSBDarden School
HAL#Halsey Hall (entering from the Clark Hall side there are no limitations)
HOD*Hotel D, East Range
HOMHome of the Instructor
HSBBHunter Smith Band Building
ICECharlottesville Ice Park
ISOInternational Study program outside the U.S.
JAGJudge Advocate General School
JOR#Jordan Hall (accessible entrances locked at night) (renamed to PIN Pinn Hall)
JSRJesser Hall
KER#Kerchof Hall (first floor only)
LACYLacy Hall
LEV#Levering Hall (first floor only)
LHOLambeth House
LPJ#Luther P. Jackson House (first floor only)
LWOLower West Oval Room, Rotunda
MCLMcLeod Hall
MECMechanical Engineering Building
MEDOld Medical School
MGM#Memorial Gymnasium (first floor and basement only; assistance needed at locked entrances; no access across the track on the second floor)
MHPMultistory Building (Old Hospital)
MH3Monroe Hill Range
MINMinor Hall
MONMonroe Hall
MRYMaury Hall (no ADA access to the basement; access to first and second floors through separate doors) (renamed to WNR Warner Hall)
MSBMaterials Science Building
MUNMary Munford House
NAUNau Hall
NHLNewcomb Hall
NRNNo Room Needed
NVAUVA/VT Center in Falls Church
OBS*McCormick Observatory
OCHOld Cabell Hall
OLSOlsson Hall
PBYPeabody Hall
PHS#Physics Building (assistance may be needed for freight elevator)
PINPinn Hall (accessible entrances locked at night)  (previously known as JOR Jordan Hall)
PV5Pavilion V (no ADA access)
PV8*Pavilion VIII (no ADA access)
RAN#Randall Hall (first floor only)
RAO#National Radio Astronomy Observatory (first floor only)
RBTRobertson Hall
RDLRidley Hall (previously known as RFN Ruffner)
REA*Nuclear Reactor
RECSlaughter Recreation Center
RICERice Hall
RSHRouss Hall
RUFRuffin Hall
SHHShea House
SHNShannon House
SHWStudent Health and Wellness
SLHSlaughter Hall
STBBarracks Stables
STCStacey Hall
THN#Thornton Hall (D Wing, O Level not accessible)
WILWilson Hall
WINWintergreen Resort
WNRWarner Hall (no ADA access to the basement; access to first and second floors through separate doors) (previously known as MRY Maury Hall)
WSBWithers-Brown Hall
ZMAZehmer Hall Annex
ZMRZehmer Hall